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How Social Media Affects Mental Health

Nowadays, the existence and usage of social media networks, such as Facebook , Twitter to X, SnapChat, YouTube, TIK TOK, Instagram and others are highly relevant . Despite all these useful platforms that we use in communication, they elicit some negative impacts, including the deterioration of our psychological health.

The Social Networking–The Boon and the Bane
First and foremost, people are social beings, and this means that they strongly rely on social bonds. Positive social relations can provide stress buffer, help to decrease the level of anxieties and depressions, increase the level of self-esteem and give pleasure. On the other hand, social isolation is just as threatening to our psychological state. People wonder why, even with the aim of connecting people, loneliness ensues because of excessive use of social media platforms. This double-faced view is due to the fact that the Internet interactions deprive people of physical contact that initiates hormonal reactions essential for stress relieving and happiness. Therefore, though it comes as social network where people share and communicate, it cannot subsume the powerful value of physical touch.

Warning Signs: Are You SURE Your Social Media Page is not affecting your Mental Health?
Every person is a social media user. Many studies relate OSU to the time spent online; however, the focus should be on how it interferes with moods, activities, and goals. Here are some indicators that your social media use may be harmful:

Neglecting Real-World Relationships:
  • You almost spend more time on the internet than you spare time with friends and families.
  • While in social events, you feel the urge to glance at the social media sites assuming that everyone is having a better time.
Comparing Yourself Unfavorably:
  • In your case, you tend to compete with others, thus you are always degrading yourself by developing poor body image. 
  • Such comparisons can at times lead to episodes of eating disorders in individuals.
Cyberbullying Concerns:
  • You are a victim or you do cyberbullying or you develop a high level of phobia if you face it in your day-to-day life.
  • This is something that makes you worried about what other people are posting about you and that you seem to have no control over.
Distraction and Pressure:
  • It increases the chances of procrastination, one spends most of his or her time through the social networking sites rather than focusing on work or school assignments.
  • You; are constantly active on social media platforms, trying to make people like and to comment on your posts.
Lack of Self-Reflection:
  • From the moment one wakes up and to the time they go to bed, their eyes are glued to their screens, thus not allowing for self-reflection. 
Engaging in Risky Behavior:
  • Basically, you put your life at risk with an intent of being seen and valued by the online society. 
  • This could be focused on things such as jokes, sharing of embarrassing photos or remarks, cases of bullying or using the phone while driving.
Sleep Disruption:
  • You open social media before going to sleep, as soon as you wake up, or even in the middle of the night.
  • Staring at screens with blue light affects an individual’s mental health since the light interferes with their ability to sleep.

It is therefore evident that social media platforms are useful in the daily lives of people since they act as a platform through which many people communicate, share information, and even find entertainment. At the same time, it is crucial to bear in mind that it poses the threat of deteriorating our psychological state. Thus it helps to be mindful of how and why we use such platforms so as to eliminate the negative impacts and maximize positives.

To enhance mental wellbeing, it is crucial to limit online interactions with some in-real-life relations, create proper boundaries, and pay more attention to real-life events. It’s important to underline that here the matter is not in abolishing social media but in using it as optimally as possible for personal happiness and mental health. This way, effectively and systematically, it is possible to come up with a healthier, happier digital and personal lifestyle.

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