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Balancing Work and Life for Women’s Mental Health

Effects of Work to Family Interface on the Psychological Well being of Women

With the increasing pass through pace at which individuals progress in their careers, it’s difficult to strike a balance between family and work, and this is even more complicated for the woman who is most of the time thrown into different responsibilities. Well, here is how this struggle affects on their mental well-being. Here are the concepts. Let’s consider them more closely.

Striking a Balance: The Reality Check

Modern women are vulnerable to getting burned out than men. For instance, Deloitte’s Global Women in the Workplace indicated that 53% of women allowed that they experienced increased levels of stress while at work compared to previous years. Often, work-life conflict is inevitable since one is always torn between attending to work as well as personal chores. Further, according to the survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, working women were seen to be lesser satisfied with their jobs because of a lack of proper work-life conflict balance.

The Mental Health Equation

Work-life balance is important for wellbeing as the following questions seek to find out. Working stress, when people are under pressure for time to rest and relax, can cause anxiety and depression. Chronic stress at the workplace, if not managed, leads to one experiencing severe mental health challenges, according to the World Health Organization. Can focusing on mental health be the strategy that will help us extricate from this vicious circle?

Strategies for Improvement

Employers are a central factor in this equation. A more flexible schedule also helps in the promotion of a healthier place for working and generates less turnover and higher satisfaction. Female employees should demand their workplaces be as supportive as possible, as far as stress management is concerned.

Call to Action

Is it now the moment for what amounts to a reconsideration of success? The idea of liberation existing as a path to happiness should not be a path toward mental illness for women. To quote Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg again, one can have it all, but he/she cannot do it all. It is time to create a version of the world where work-life balance is not something that only a few have the luxury of achieving, but is a norm that can improve, or even revolutionize people’s lives.

Last but not the least, work-life balance has become the buzzword, which is pivotal for the health of mind of all the women in the world. That is why its acknowledgment and attempt to reach it will help to build a brighter and more satisfying future in work and personal life.

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